We went out to dinner and then This happens

We went out to dinner and then This happens

one night I was hungry but we didn’t want to cook ourselves. So we decided to go out for dinner, me and my mom. my mother had made a reservation at the Restaurant where we always eat “Greek Restaurant Zorba” then I did not know that my mother also had other plans for this summer

while we were eating she suddenly started talking about in the TUI Fly TV advertisement on 10 days Rhodes and if I felt like going there

(Now I have to mention that the original plan was that we would tour Germany for 2 weeks!)

so after we had finished the main dish I picked up my phone and started looking for a last minute holiday to Greece, I will not turn down a sun holiday. Since we were already with a Greek, we asked the owner which of the islands were the most beautiful and we ended up in Rhodes.
the next day we went to the Travel Agency and we booked right away August 4, 2020 we leave for Greece

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